Saturday, November 17, 2007

Great Concert!

Last night Pinchas Zukerman, and his 30 something wife Amanda Forsyth played a nice program with the CO Symphony. My teacher, who is in the cello section said it would be pretty good and that I would love Amanda's cello.

The program was Barber Adagio for Strings, Vivaldi Concerto for violin and cello, Mozart Sym 41, Intermission, then the Brahms Double for Violin and Cello. Pinchas did double duty and conducted as well, the intended conductor was ill.
I always love the Barber, and the Vivaldi was great too. However the Brahms was fantastic! Amanda's Tone on her Testore was absolutely beautiful; think ,sweet, deep, dark , POWER!! I love that kind of sound. Well worth the 11.50 it cost since the nice lady gave me the student discount. Score!

So as far as my playing goes, I got my recording bugs worked out and have been trying to polish the Bach minuets from the 1st suite. They are still a little too rough to post a recording now but I think I will do this with pieces as I get more comfortable with them. An audible, as well as, a verbal documentation of my cello progress.
I am also working on the second exercise in the Popper Opus 76 studies, this makes the Bach minuets seem easy. Looking at this book makes me think I could spend a year in it, if I don't go nuts first. Same with the Cossmann ..........ah the cello, I love it.

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